It is the policy of the Adamstown Area Library (the “Library”) to comply fully with all laws and to conduct its business in an ethical and honest manner. The Library is committed to maintaining a workplace where employees, board members, consultants and volunteers are free to raise good faith concerns regarding improper activity or behavior which directly or indirectly involves the Library.
Such improper activity or behavior includes, but is not limited to, conduct or a pattern of conduct that falls into one or more of the following categories:
(i) conduct that constitutes a violation of any federal, state or local law, regulation or ordinance;
(ii) conduct that constitutes a violation of commonly accepted norms of business and professional ethics;
(iii) conduct that constitutes a violation of any of the Library’s other policies, procedures, rules or regulations; and
(iv) conduct that involves dishonest or otherwise improper behavior relating to accounting, internal audit controls or audit matters including but not limited to conduct that: (a) constitutes a violation of rules and regulations relating to auditing or financial reporting; (b) involves dishonest or otherwise improper behavior relating to accounting, internal audit controls or audit matters; and (c) constitutes a breakdown of or fraud in connection with internal audit controls.
The Library recommends and encourages any employee, board member, consultant or volunteer who acts in good faith and has a reasonable basis for believing that any improper activity or behavior has occurred to report such suspected improper activity or behavior to the Director of the Library. The Director shall then forward all such reports to the Board of Trustees.
The Library expressly prohibits any form of retaliation, including but
not limited to, harassment, intimidation, adverse employment actions or any other form of retaliation against any individual who, in good faith and having a reasonable basis for doing so, reports any suspected improper activity or behavior in accordance with the terms of this Whistleblower Policy. Any individual who engages in any form of retaliation shall be subject to discipline, up to and including termination.
The Director will conduct or designate other internal or external parties to conduct a full and fair investigation of the suspected improper activity or behavior. All reports of suspected improper activity or behavior will be investigated promptly and in a manner intended to protect confidentiality consistent with a full and fair investigation of the suspected improper activity or behavior and appropriate corrective action will be taken if warranted after the investigation. The party or parties investigating the suspected improper activity or behavior shall notify the individual who reported such suspected improper activity or behavior of their investigation and shall prepare a report of their findings which report shall be presented to the Board of Trustees of the Library. (Approved September 11, 2009)