Residents of Pennsylvania may fill out the application form online or at the library. The application is processed and a card mailed to the resident at his/her home address.
A library card for the Library System of Lancaster County will be issued without charge to any resident of Lancaster County who is five years old or more.
Library patrons who live outside Lancaster County are encouraged to go to the Pennsylvania library that serves their home area and apply for a card. Library patrons who live outside Lancaster County will need proof of address using the list below.
A child under the age of 14 must have the library card application form signed by a parent or legal guardian who agrees to assume responsibility for the child’s fines and cost of any lost materials as well as monitoring the materials borrowed by the child.
Proof of residence will include:
1. a valid drivers license
2. a current identification card
3. a bill from a utility company or retailer addressed to the person and dated in the last three months
4. a tax bill for a Lancaster County property
5. working papers issued to a teenager
6. a copy of a current lease or deed for a Lancaster County property
7. checks with a pre-printed Lancaster County address
A library card for the Library System of Lancaster County may be used at any public library that is a member of the Library System of Lancaster County.
Borrowing privileges may be suspended for the failure to return overdue books, failure to pay over due fines, or failure to pay for lost or damaged materials. The library will prosecute to the extent of the law permitted under the Retention of Library Property Act (Section 6708, Title 18 PA Code (PA CSA 6708) and the Library Theft Act of 1982.
Library users are required to bring their library card or proper identification in order to have borrowing privileges.
First Notice at 2 Weeks
The first overdue notice will be sent to the most recent address listed in the library records for the patron account when the item is 2 weeks overdue. The notice will include a list of overdue materials.
Failure to return the items listed in this notice within seven (7) working days of the date of this notice will result in a suspension of a cardholder’s borrowing privileges in each library in Lancaster County until the account is cleared.
Failure to return these items within 4 weeks after the original due date will result in a charge to the cardholder’s account for the replacement cost of the materials.
Second Notice: Bill for replacement at 4 weeks
The second notice is sent when the item is 4 weeks overdue. This is a bill for the replacement of the books. If the billed items are found, you need only pay the overdue fines.
Lost item charges will be the replacement cost of the item.
Member libraries can arrange an installment payment plan. It is the responsibility of the library patron to contact the library to arrange for the payment of overdue fines. If you have any questions about your account or this notice, please contact your local library.
AAL reserves the right to send patron information to a collection agency
if library item(s) are not returned after fourteen weeks. Replacement costs must be paid in full to the collection agency (not AAL) before suspended borrowing privileges are restored.
A patron is responsible for the replacement or repair costs for any library material that is damaged while the item is in that patron’s possession. The determination of the exact cost for replacement or repair will be made by the Director of the Adamstown Area Library based upon the current Library System of Lancaster County Circulation Policy, the extent of the damage, and the value of the item in question.
Library patrons should not attempt to repair or replace the item themselves. Any attempt to do so may still result in the patron being held responsible for repair or replacement costs.
A damaged item should immediately be brought to the attention of the library staff upon its return. Damaged items left in the book drop or returned to the desk but not brought to the attention of a staff member will not be removed from a patron’s record until the damage is discussed with a library staff member.
If an item becomes lodged within a machine, the patron should notify the library. The library will suspend the charging of overdue fines for the associated item from the date of notification. The patron should make every effort to have the item removed from the machine and return it to the library. If the item is damaged during removal, or cannot be removed, the patron will be held responsible for the replacement costs of that item.
The Adamstown Area Library will not be held responsible for any damage that occurs to a patron’s personal audiovisual equipment or computer while a library item is in the machine.
Any use of materials belonging to the Adamstown Area Library
constitutes acceptance of this policy. (Approved May 23, 2002; Revised October 12, 2007)